American Steak & Eggs picture

American Steak & Eggs

Best Seller
Breakfast Trays picture

Breakfast Trays



Greek Berry Stack picture

Greek Berry Stack

Ooh Fancy
A Little of what you fancy makes you feel good!

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We are thrilled to offer an international kitchen serving signature dishes from around the world.

Our dishes are made with only the finest ingredients, ensuring that each bite is not only delicious but also of the highest quality.

Whether you are in the mood for something rich and chocolatey, light and fruity, or something in between, we have something that will hit the spot. Our expert chefs have crafted each dish with care and creativity, making sure that each one is unique and absolutely irresistible.

We believe that all food should be a joyful and indulgent experience, and we strive to make every visit to our shop a memorable one. From the moment you walk in, you will be greeted with the warm aroma of fresh made goods.

So come on in and treat yourself to a little slice of heaven. Whether you're looking for a quick snack, a special treat to share with friends and family, or just a little pick-me-up, we have the perfect dishes for you.

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News | 12/11/2023

Lovely words from @acannycuppa

Totally delicious and a perfect way to start the day!

News | 11/11/2023

The sweet treats were a big hit today!

All stocked up for tomorrow at our grab and go counter.

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Cake samples for opening morning. Be quick!

A chance to sample some of our amazing cakes.